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Long jump has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember, but it took time to realize that it’s more than just a sport – it’s a philosophy.

In my early teenage years, I practiced long jump literally. Through track and field competitions, I proved to myself that I could achieve great lengths, eventually becoming a national champion. Over time, the long jump evolved into a metaphor for my life – constantly striving for more, reaching further, and always aiming higher. While this mindset can sometimes leave me restless, it defines who I am – and it’s not something I would ever want to change.

Professionally, I wear many hats: I am a professor and director of two marketing programs (Bachelor’s and MSc levels) at ISM University of Management and Economics. I am also the founder of Persona Cognita, a personal branding consulting and employee advocacy training firm, and the co-founder of several other ventures, including the employer marketing agency The Promise and the naming consultancy Nomino. 

You might often find me on stage, sharing my experiences and research insights as a keynote speaker at business and academic conferences, both nationally and internationally. You may come across my name in research publications featured in some of the world’s most respected scientific journals in marketing.

In my personal life, I am a mother of two boys, a wife, a daughter, and above all, a person driven by curiosity and the desire to jump further.

While this website is still a work in progress, it’s a platform where I share my professional insights on branding and marketing, as well as my everyday discoveries. Whether it’s books, movies, Spotify’s Discover Weekly recommendations, or other serendipitous finds, I want to show that jumping far is always possible with willpower, motivation, and curiosity.

Let’s take a long jump together.